Frequently Asked Questions

Why entrust our property management company František Pospíšil- Property Management?

We offer our clients full services, from technical ensuring, economic and financial services, to legal advice. We offer 20 years of direct experience in property management and we follow the motto It’s not about how demanding the work is, but about the client being satisfied under all circumstances

What is meant by the administration of objects?

Object management means a complete service to ensure both the technical (security patches, revisions, emergency services, etc.) and economic terms (accounting by applicable law, records of incoming and outgoing payments, billing services associated with the use of dwellings, etc.)

Learn more about our firm or the  services we offer.

What determines the amount of advances for cold and hot water?

The amount of advances in cold water, heat and hot water is calculated based on the annual accounts of services.


Whom should I contact in case of a breakdown or accident?

In the case of a breakdown or accident use the report form to contact us. We will respond to it the next day.

In the case of an emergency you can directly contact emergency services or suppliers with which our society works, see contacts below.


Routine Maintenance Contacts:

Plumber: EGU instalatérství
Jaromír Vícha

Phone: +420777329448

Gas and review: INTOPL a.s.

Phone: 720 946 499, 733 606 805

Electrician: Jiří Mařík

Phone: +420603461471


Contacts in case of an emergency:

Bytoservis – emergency service in the field of internal water, electricity and gas

Emergency Dispatching

Phone: +420241414141, +420241412222, +420605424242